Chief Justice Set To Hear Maulidi's case

The Chief Justice in Blantyre is set to hear an application this morning from legal practitioner Paul Maulidi, seeking to have a case restored after the Attorney General (AG) initiated proceedings to have him removed from the Roll of Legal Practitioners.

In February, Chief Justice Rizine Mzikamanda dismissed an application by Maulidi against the AG in connection with Miscellaneous Cause Number 83 of 2010, citing want of prosecution. This disciplinary matter involves allegations that Maulidi misappropriated funds collected on behalf of his clients.

The AG had previously sought Maulidi's removal from the Roll of Legal Practitioners, alleging violations of the Legal Education and Legal Practitioners Act. Maulidi responded by filing an application to dismiss the AG's request on technical grounds. That application was dismissed to allow the main case proceed, and Maulidi is now seeking to restore his dismissed application.

The Chief Justice will now hear Maulidi's application to determine the next steps.

The AG is set to oppose the restoration of the case and will insist to have him removed.

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