Where do I find courts in Malawi?
To find out the types of courts available in Malawi and where these, please visit the Malawi Judiciary
How can one participate in legal reform?
The Malawi Law Commission is mandated to provide independent advice to Government on the reform of the law in Malawi. From time to time, the Law Commission invites proposals too make suggestions about laws of Malawi that you think need to be changed, for example, if you think that there is an area of the law that is creating hardship within the community or there are laws which need to be simplified or modernized. Visit the Malawi Law Commission for more details
What is the process for registering a company?
Registration of companies is done by the Department of the Registrar General. Visit the departments website for more details
What is the process for registering a trademark, copyright or patent?
Registration of trademarks, copyrights or patents is done by the Department of the Registrar General. Visit the departments website for more details
How do I get married, divorced or adopt a child?
The Department of the Registrar General is mandated under the laws of Malawi to ensure that all the materials related to marriages, divorces or adoptions of children are delivered to the gazetted registration centres. More details can be found on the departments website
Where can I get the Laws of Malawi?
You can purchase the laws of Malawi from the Ministry of Justice Headquarters at Capital Hill in Lilongwe. Feel free to email us on enquiries@justice.gov.mw for more details